The vision of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators is to inspire and engage all stakeholders.


The mission of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators is to be the leader in the education, support and advocacy for our membership and the students they serve.


AASPA values the practice of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our leadership, in our organizational structure, professional development and resources.  

AASPA values high quality, engaging, relevant and timely Professional Development. 

AASPA values the need for Advocacy of the profession of human capital practices in education.

AASPA values the active Engagement of its members.  

AASPA values the creation of a Community of connected professionals. 

AASPA values the impact our human capital leaders have on Students

2022 – 2027 AASPA Strategic Plan

AASPA Operational Handbook

The AASPA Annual Report is a great way to learn about association development and new initiatives each year. In addition, each annual report gives an end of year financial statement, committee reports and an annual audit summary.

AASPA Annual Reports