2025-2026 AASPA Executive Board Nominations
A Message from the Nominating Committee
Nominations for President-Elect, Secretary,
Region 3 Representative and Region 4 Representative
It is again time for the membership of AASPA to begin to think about the selection of nominees for the 2025-2026 Executive Board offices. These nominees will be announced at the AASPA Annual Conference in Nashville in October 2025. The mission of the Nominations Committee is to reach out to the entire organization to solicit candidates for the office of President-Elect, Secretary, Representative for Region 3 and Representative for Region 4. The nominees must currently hold the status as an Active (individual or Institutional Primary) member of AASPA and meet the minimum requirements through the selection rubric.
The nominees from Region 3 must be from: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Rhode Island, Vermont & West Virginia
The nominees from Region 4 must be from: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico & Utah
The Position:
President-Elect: Serves as a member of the Executive Board for one year assisting the President and standing in for the President, if necessary. The President-Elect then serves as President during the following year. In the third year, he/she will assume the Immediate Past-President position.
Region 3 Representative/Region 4 Representative: Serves a three-year term as a voting member of the Executive Board assisting in the planning, implementing and evaluation of the policies, goals and activities of the organization while representing the wishes and needs of those in the geographical region. He/she also serves as a liaison to the various committees.
Screening Criteria for Nominations
Nominees will be evaluated on a numerical scale on the following criteria:
- Active membership in AASPA
- Experience on AASPA committees and/or Executive Board
- Active membership in other associations (holding offices, chairing committees, etc.)
- Successful experience as a school personnel administrator (minimum of five years preferred)
- Substantial knowledge of current public school personnel issues and trends
- Presentations, papers, publications, awards and other recognitions
Nominees for Region Representative must work full-time in the region in which they represent.
Timeline and Process
Any active member in AASPA can nominate an individual for the office of President-Elect. Self-nominations are also welcome. Only active members of Region 3 can nominate for Region 3 Representative, only active members of Region 4 can nominate for Region 4 Representative.
Nominations for each office must be received on or before April 1, 2025
Membership Categories – Eligible for Nomination
Individual Active - School personnel whose responsibilities totally or primarily include school and district personnel administration and individuals whose assigned work includes personnel functions in other educational institutions, including university professors.
Institutional Individual Active Primary and Associate Memberships - For school systems or educational institutions that may elect to obtain multiple memberships.