AASPA Committees

AASPA committees are a driving force in the development of new programs and services for members and for school personnel administrators. Through collaboration and initiatives, these dedicated volunteers provide information crucial to advancing the profession of school personnel administrators. 

By joining an AASPA committee you’re doing more than volunteering—you’re shaping the future of school HR administration. If you have questions about participating in any of these committees, please contact us.

Committee/Involvement Form

Committee/Involvement Google Form

Past Committee Members

Legislative & Governmental

The Legislative and Governmental Committee annually set national legislative priorities, monitors information from advocacy firm and informs AASPA members of pending legislation involving and impacting school personnel initiatives.
* Meets quarterly for 1 hour + providing input via e-mail upon request
  • Justin Wing
    Justin Wing
    Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Mesa Public Schools (602)388-2200
  • Brian Murphy
    Brian Murphy
    pHCLE, eHCLE Superintendent Marion City Schools


The Membership Committee develops both long-term and short-term goals that will continuously support efforts to promote AASPA membership, including assisting with recruitment and retention, and promoting the benefits and services offered by the organization.
* Meets quarterly for 1 hour + engagement forum work & resource document review
  • Eddie Curran
    Eddie Curran
    pHCLE Chief Human Resources Officer Round Rock ISD (512)619-6884
  • Kayla Andrews
    Kayla Andrews
    pHCLE Director of Human Resources Morgan County Charter School System (706)752-4609

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The purpose of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is to serve as the collaborating body for joint action on minority issues of common interest by advocating for the election, appointment, hiring, promotion, and recognition of minorities to positions of influence; and to provide a forum for information exchange and networking.
* Meets for 1 hour at the annual conference + participation on other committees and professional development work
  • Michele Stephens
    Michele Stephens
    Ed. S., pHCLE Chief Human Resources Officer Rockdale County Public Schools (770)918-2685
  • Marissa McKenzie
    Marissa McKenzie
    Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations Township of Union Board of Education (973)207-5278


The Nominating Committee vets applications and presents to the Executive Board and membership recommendations for candidates for elected positions as association officers and Executive Board members.
* Meets for 1 hour in the spring and fall + candidate application review and email confirmations
  • Adena Walker
    Adena Walker
    Chief Human Resources Officer City Schools of Decatur (850)324-4840
  • Janel Reed
    pHCLE, eHCLE Chief Human Resources Officer Medford School District (541)842-3939

Professional Development

The Professional Development Committee supports the professional development plan for the association including work on the monthly professional development themes and volunteering for or recruiting for webinars, sessions, blogs, podcasts and articles.
* Meets quarterly for 1 hour + commitment to one month to support PD offerings
  • Jacqueline Levine
    Jacqueline Levine
    pHCLE Director of Curriculum & Instruction Putnam Valley Central School District (845)528-8143x1510
  • Sara Baker
    Sara Baker
    Executive Director of Human Resources Highline Public Schools (206)631-3121


The Recognition Committee recognizes contributions of an outstanding nature made by members to the association; recognizes outstanding contributions by members or a school district to school personnel administration; recognizes outstanding contributions made by those outside the association in the area of school personnel administration; recognizes outstanding contributions of AASPA affiliate organizations. This work is done through the recognition application process.
* Meets for 1 hour in the spring and fall + candidate application review and email confirmations
  • Kimberly Schulte
    Kimberly Schulte
    Director of Human Resources Torrington Public Schools (860)489-2327
  • Kathleen Kelly-Colgan
    Kathleen Kelly-Colgan
    Assistant Superintendent for HR Des Plaines School District 62 (773)720-6015


The Scholarship Committee annually selects the recipient of the AASPA scholarships based on the process and criteria established by the committee; develops, continually monitors and refines the process and criteria for selecting candidates for AASPA scholarships, including the amount of the scholarship awards, financial accounting guidelines for the scholarship awards, and other details regarding the administration of the scholarship program; provides suggestions and ideas for expanding the fundraising opportunities to support annual scholarship awards.
  • Steffanie Frost
    Steffanie Frost
    Director of Human Resources McMinnville School District (503)565-4000
  • Leah Zavala
    Leah Zavala
    District Coordinator Denton ISD (940)369-0542

Constitution & By-laws

The Constitution and By-laws Committee reviews annually the association’s Constitution and By-laws to determine whether the purpose and the governance of the association are adequately reflected in the document; prepares amendments to better serve the organizations needs.
* Meets quarterly for 1 hour + provides input via email upon request
  • Pete Theis
    Pete Theis
    Director of Human Resources Libertyville School District 70 (847)522-8055
  • Jarius Jones
    Jarius Jones
    Associate Superintendent of Human Resources Kansas City Kansas Public Schools USD 500 (913)627-4358