Federal Updates
AASPA acknowledges that many of our members find it challenging to navigate the new administration's surge of significant and sometimes confusing policy changes and statements. During this unprecedented time, we know many students, families, and school district staff may feel concerned or even overwhelmed by these sudden policy changes.
AASPA’s mission is to be the leader in the education, support, and advocacy for our membership and the students they serve. Our members embrace people of all beliefs, backgrounds and needs, creating respectful and inclusive learning communities. We want you to know that AASPA shares your unwavering commitment to meet the educational needs of every student and stands ready to help you lead your districts during this time.
As we work together to analyze the new White House Executive Orders and U.S. Department of Education's related decision, we intend to look to the long-standing federal civil rights laws and other statutes that ensure that every student is cared for and receives a high-quality education from only the most qualified and professional educators, paraprofessionals, and school staff persons.
We encourage you to talk with your school leaders about these changes, to adopt a shared strategy that reflects your community's priorities, and to seek guidance from your legal counsel to ensure school practices align with local, state, and federal law.
Resources & Next Steps
AASPA is currently collecting resources for our members to keep them informed. Our Legislative Committee is at work setting congressional meetings to address our legislative priorities and any future concerns or developments. Other resources I want to share include:
Upcoming Webinars
Title IX in Tumult: What Personnel Administrators Should Know Now – Thursday, February 13/1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CST - https://www.aaspa.org/upcoming-webinars (This will be recorded).
Serving Two Masters: When State Law and Federal Guidance Conflict - https://www.aaspa.org/news/serving-two-masters-when-state-law-and-federal-guidance-conflict
We encourage members to post and request resources on our members-only online forum: https://atlas.aaspa.org/home/. These resources can help all of us as we strive to be our district's strategic human capital leaders. These could include, but are not limited to:
· Communication documents to your staff and/or communities
· Communications from your state departments of education
· Communications from your district legal council or leadership
We expect additional executive orders related to K-12 education and potential legal changes through Congress and the courts. We will continue to monitor these developments and keep you informed. Our approach focuses on helping members uphold our core values, which include Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Professional Development; Advocacy; Engagement; Community; and Student Support.
Now is the time to get involved with your national association. Consider joining the Legislative Committee or any of our other important committees. Information can be found at the end.
Kelly Coash-Johnson, Executive Director
FMLA Resources
AASPA has provided these sample evaluations as a service to its members to assist them in developing job descriptions. AASPA, however, makes no representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of these instruments for any particular situation.
Legislative Briefs
The AASPA Legislative Committee works to monitor all federal legislation pertinent to its AASPA members. Changes and updates to Federal Legislation, Rules and Regulations are shared through "Legislative Briefs". Members recieve these via email and can access past copies on our website.