AASPA Press Release


Contact: Lily Coash-Johnson



American Association of School Personnel Administrators 

Legislative Committee Update

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – July 29, 2024 — Earlier this month on July 10, 2024, a small group of the AASPA Executive Board traveled to Washington DC for an event with Lobbyit and a meeting with the US Department of Education (USDOE). Members attending included: Kevin Walton, Director of Equity & Inclusion, Area Cooperative Educational Services in CT and AASPA President, Dr. Monica Schroeder, Deputy Superintendent, North Shore School District 112 in IL and AASPA President-Elect; Dr. Dale Fisher, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Deerfield Public Schools District 109 in IL and AASPA Past-President; Tanish Holland, Talent Development Director, Loudoun County Public Schools in VA and AASPA Secretary; Dr. Vincent Citarelli, Assistant Superintendent, Garnet Valley School District in PA and AASPA Region three Representative and Kelly Coash-Johnson, Executive Director, AASPA. Below is a list of congressional and senate offices that were visited. 

  • Senator Jennifer Wexton (VA)

  • Senator Tim Kaine (VA)

  • Representative Bradly Schneider (IL)

  • Representative Frederica S. Wilson (FL)

  • Senator Ben Ray Luján (NM)

  • Representative Mark DeSauliner (FL)

AASPA participants shared information on legislation we are supporting and the direct effects of the educator shortage on AASPA members. On Thursday, July 11th, 2024, the group met with representatives from the USDOE, where information on the ongoing work with the five Shifts to Address the Educator Shortage and the recently completed journey maps were provided. The USDOE was eager to share with AASPA the work they have been doing with the “Raise the Bar” initiatives to minimize the educator shortage. You can learn more at: https://www.ed.gov/raisethebar/improve-learning-conditions

AASPA has renewed its commitment to sharing information with its members and increasing communication with the USDOE.

Advocating for the work of human capital leadership and school personnel administrators is a key priority for AASPA. By sharing district data and real stories of the impact of the educator shortage on our schools, we can shed light on this national crisis and work towards real solutions,” The American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA) Executive Director, Kelly Coash-Johnson said.

The American Association of School Personnel Administrators is an international organization that provides leadership in promoting effective human resource practices within education.  Headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., AASPA holds an annual conference in October and various regional professional development opportunities throughout the year in addition to providing other valuable benefits to its 3900+ members.  More information about AASPA can be found at www.aaspa.org
