Resources for Supporting a Stronger, More Diverse Educator Workforce

Posted By: Dr. Kelly Coash-Johnson AASPA Blog,

In an effort to provide our members with resources and information vital to their success, AASPA is pleased to work with the US Department of Education in sharing programs and opportunities specific to PK-12 HR. A full listing of resources can be found under the member benefits tab at: We will update this page as new opportunities come available. Be on the lookout each month as we highlight specific documents, articles and courses.

The information below includes resources and examples related to supporting educator recruitment and retention to address the educator shortage and to support a stronger and more diverse educator workforce. The document includes resources from the Department of Education, the Department of Heath and Human Services, and external entities and partners. It also includes related examples from the field.

Comprehensive Centers This table, compiled by the ED Office of Program and Grantee Support Services (PGSS), includes resources from the National Comprehensive Center (NCC) and Regional Comprehensive Centers (RCCs) related to the teacher shortage, recruitment, and retention. These resources include reports on the teacher workforce, local/state research findings, and best practices and strategies for recruitment/retention.

Center Title/Link Description
R2CC How Region 2 States Are Leveraging Innovative Strategies to Address Critical Shortages of Education Personnel

These special issue brief overviews and highlights how R2CC states are innovating to address these shortages and provides additional considerations for strategies to address shortages in the short and long term.

R4CC Leveraging Flexible Teacher Certification Policies to Address the Bilingual Teacher Shortage

This brief is the third of a four-part series that focuses on bilingual education, bilingual educators, and addressing the bilingual teacher shortage in contexts across the United States.

R4CC Addressing the Bilingual Teacher Shortage

This brief from R4CC is the second of a four-part series that focuses on bilingual education, bilingual educators, and addressing the bilingual teacher shortage in contexts across the United States. This research was commissioned by the New Jersey State Department of Education, which is committed to providing quality bilingual education to its linguistically diverse student population.

R6CC Lessons Learned around Reducing Inequitable Access to High-Quality Teachers

In 2016, the North Carolina State Board of Education (NCSBE) developed the Teacher Compensation Models and Advanced Teaching Roles (ATR) pilot program. Initially a three-year pilot, the program was revised in 2018 to become an eight-year pilot through the 2024-2025 school year. This document from R6CC provides insights into some early lessons learned in implementing the program.

R6CC Opportunity Culture: Lessons Learned - An Executive Brief for District Leaders in North Carolina

This brief from R6CC highlights lessons learned from eight North Carolina school districts that are designing and implementing Opportunity Culture school staffing models. Six of North Carolina’s initial ten Advanced Teaching Roles pilot districts, elected to use the Opportunity Culture model.

R8CC Strategies and Approaches for Recruiting Indiana Teachers

The R8CC assisted the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) in finding research-based strategies for recruiting teachers. This report focuses on the techniques and approaches IDOE, districts, and schools can use in their efforts to recruit teachers, especially teachers of color.

R8CC Building Strong Institutional Partnerships to Support Recruitment and Retention Efforts

The R8CC developed this brief as part of its support for the Indiana Department of Education’s educator recruitment and retention efforts. The brief highlights how educator preparation programs, institutions of higher education, and school districts can improve the teacher pipeline. Furthermore, the brief outlines what strategic and collaborative partnerships look like and how they can aid recruitment and retention efforts. 

R8CC Strategic Use of Data to Support Recruitment and Retention

The R8CC developed this brief as part of its support for the Indiana Department of Education’s educator recruitment and retention efforts. The document details the different types of recruitment and retention data and how to use such data to answer key questions. In addition, the brief outlines how to use data throughout the process of teacher and leader recruitment.

R9CC Tools to Hone Your Teacher Retention Strategies: Program Profiles and Data Inventory

Over the years, districts and states have worked to tackle teacher shortages creatively using a variety of incentives, mentorship initiatives, trainings, and leadership programs. But how can education leaders discern which efforts are improving teacher retention? The imminent effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the teacher workforce make answering this question even more urgent. Although none of us knows what a post-pandemic future may hold, a recent R9CC project with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) offers some lessons and tools for states and other districts to consider as they grapple with this issue.

R9CC Resources Related to Teacher Shortages and Strengthening the Workforce

R9CC wrote a blog about the anticipated impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the already significant shortages of teachers in specific subjects and regions across the U.S. Research has shown that the pandemic led to teachers reporting higher stress and being more interested in leaving the profession. A survey of U.S. teachers by RAND found that nearly 1 in 4 teachers were likely to leave their jobs by the end of the 2020–2021 school year, up from one in six teachers in earlier years. And Black teachers were particularly likely to plan to leave. The teachers surveyed cited pandemic-era teaching conditions, such as technical problems while teaching remotely, as linked to job-related stress, depressive symptoms, and burnout.

R9CC Tools to Hone Your Teacher Retention Strategy

The R9CC team of experts are using evidence-based resources to support districts like CPS to assess and strengthen their educator talent management systems. We collectively examined eight major teacher retention programs to help CPS discern which strategies assist programs in meeting their retention. Through this process, we sought to understand the data they currently collect and their measures of success and to identify essential formative and summative data required to monitor and improve the impact of each retention strategy. We started by charting the key components of each program based on informal interviews with program leads. Documenting this information highlighted an opportunity to centralize the details of each program to allow a comparison of data collection tools and methods.

R9CC Illinois Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition Project: Summary of Findings from Illinois Student Focus Groups and Teacher Interviews

R9CC and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) collaboratively collected and analyzed teacher workforce data to identify barriers to recruiting and retaining an effective and diverse teacher workforce. R9CC and ISBE used the Teacher Shortage Tool from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders to identify equity and diversity gaps within the teacher pipeline and created problem statements that characterize the teacher shortage in Illinois. R9CC conducted an extensive series of high school and college student focus groups and interviews with current and former teachers across the state to understand the causes of these problem statements. 

R9CC Looking Forward to a “New Normal” in Education: What Can We Expect in 2021–22?

This blog by the R9CC explores two challenges exacerbated by the pandemic that is likely to become even higher priorities: equitable education and teacher shortages, recruitment, and retention.

R9CC Illinois Principal’s Association (IPA) Talk

The most recent IPA Talk video features Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Illinois State Board of Education’s (ISBE) Executive Director for Teaching & Learning. Dr. Kirmes discusses Region 9 Comprehensive Center’s work with ISBE on the Continuous Improvement of a Statewide Plan for Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition project, among other work. Dr. Kirmes explicitly discusses the recent report summarizing teacher and student focus groups developed as part of the partnership.

R12CC Addressing Educator Workforce Shortages: A State Comparison Brief

The R12CC conducted a scan to explore the innovative programs, policies, and practices that state education agencies and other education entities are using to mitigate educator staffing challenges. The report highlights common and promising practices used to address educator shortages, examines how key states are tackling shortages specifically in the context of COVID-19, and provides a state-by-state crosswalk of efforts to recognize, address, and mitigate educator shortages by region. Collectively, workforce data and local context considerations, strategies, and resources can help Colorado, and other state education stakeholders develop comprehensive approaches to addressing educator shortages.

R14CC Talent Management Alignment Workbook: An Introduction

The following modules are a brief introduction to the Talent Management Alignment Workbook, which outlines eight steps to assess the strength of alignment among talent management policies and practices across multiple state-level programs and/or initiatives. It guides leaders of state education agencies (SEAs) through the process of assessing the current state of alignment within and between talent management practice areas and developing recommendations to move toward a more coherent system.

National CC Teacher Diversity and Student Success: Why Racial Representation Matters in Classrooms

In a forum hosted by the NCC for State education leaders, the authors of the 2021 book Teacher Diversity and Student Success: Why Racial Representation Matters in the Classroom present important and informative empirical findings. The findings provide the important backdrop of the racialized history of teaching and provide policy and practice solutions that can work to address racial gaps in the teacher workforce in the short and long term.

National CC Understanding Teacher Shortages

In a presentation to the CCNetwork, Stacey Pelika, Director of Research for the National Education Association, and Chad Aldeman with Edunomics Lab, a National Center Partner, presented a picture of teacher shortages that is much more nuanced and less dramatic than the headlines. They shared a picture that makes a compelling case for addressing short-term needs while rethinking and rebuilding systems that will attract, prepare, support, and retain teachers for schools of the future.

National CC Strengthening the Teacher Workforce through Selection Processes

The COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptions in the teacher workforce, including reductions-in-force due to budget cuts, hesitation from teachers to return in-person to the classroom, and relaxed standards for entering the profession. This brief from the National Comprehensive Center is aimed at district and school staff involved in the teacher selection process. It provides literaturebased recommendations to improve the teacher selection process as a cost-effective means of strengthening the teacher workforce.

National CC Beyond the Soundbite: Investigating Teacher Shortages Before and During the Pandemic

The National Comprehensive Center shared a blog, Beyond the Soundbite: Investigating Teacher Shortages Before and During the Pandemic. This blog includes information and a link to a video about teacher shortages.