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2024 Virtual Boot Camp Materials

 AASPA’s Virtual Boot Camp is an unrivaled opportunity for PK-12 HR School System Leaders to gather valuable resources you can use to help your teachers, employees and school district. Our most popular regional meeting, this workshop offers a variety of essential topics for all HR administrators. Breakouts follow two strands of topics - one for the basic HR professional and another for the more advanced administrator. 


  • 17 Session recordings for viewing at your leisure
  • Session materials/PowerPoints
  • Contact information for all presenters
  • 9 hours of pHCLE, HRCI & SHRM recertification credit


  • Effective Investigations from A to Z - Presented by Joseph Urban
  • From Draft to Craft: Perfecting Your Employee Handbook - Presented by Ashley White & Holly McIntush
  • HR Documentation and Record Keeping “Dos and Don’ts” - Presented by Denise Lowell-Britt
  • Performance Management - What is it and Why is it Important for my School District? - Presented by Dr. Renee Zoladz
  • Strategically Leading Human Resources:  How to Manage Your Seat at the Table - Presented by Debbie Simons

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                                                        Please note: This purchase is for materials and recordings ONLY. This does not include registration to the event.                                                                                       You must be logged into your member profile to receive member pricing. No refunds or exceptions.                                                                    To join AASPA at an upcoming event, please visit
Non-Member Price: $675
Member Price: $400