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Happiness at Work. Mindfulness, Analysis and Well-Being

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By R. Anand

Happiness at Work: Mindfulness, Analysis and Well-being tells you what to apply, how to apply and why it works. It is utterly simplistic to wish away external stressors. However, are you taking the best decisions about them? Everyone gets some of their decisions  wrong, aver the behavioral economists, as universal distortions are always at work. We can deploy some decision-making paradigms to minimize these distortions. We are beset with individual distortions too, as we are wired with certain tendencies and default modes. As soon as you understand the source and dynamics of these individual distortions, you would begin to heal. Your everyday errors, interpersonal interactions, nighttime dreams and body language, all give useful clues to this wiring. On top of this insight, you can build a fine temperament of mindfulness about your body, mind and interactions as well as your entire life. This would lead to peak emotional and mental wellness. Even as professionals leading busy lives, you would see the signs of progress yourself, in weeks and months. This is what ‘happiness at work’ is all about.

Non-Member Price: $23
Member Price: $18